
Eyes are the important organ of the body, taking care in the ayurveda way is the most important daily regime.

netra tarpana cools, lubricates, and rejuvenates the eyes improves the inner vision by clearing out the subtle channels associated with inner and outer perception. It helps to bring back brightness and clarity to the eyes as impurities are expelled out. The treatment is done by creating a pool of pure herbal ghee (clarified organic butter) over the eye. The eyes comfortable swim in the ghee for about 20 minutes.


  • Relieves the strain due to constant glaring to the Computer & TV screen, Refractive errors of the eyes, Chronic Conjunctivitis Corneal Ulcer, Dry Eye Syndrome, Eye diseases due to aggravation of Vata and Pitta toxins, Glaucoma
  • Helps in preventing early formation of Cataract, Improper co-ordination and loss of movement of the eye balls, Pain and burning sensation in the eyes.
  • Refreshes tired, sore, dry, itchy, and teary eyes
  • Eases eye tension and proves to very soothing for dry and tired ‘computer eyes’
  • Relieves eye socket tension, twitches, and squinting
  • Eases wrinkles and dark circles around eyes
  • Improves Vision,Nourishes and rejuvenates eyes
  • Enhances the beauty of the eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Vision correction
  • Eyes allergies
  • Easy eye fatigue
  • It effective for eye vision