About Vishwaswami Ayurveda

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Ayurveda is an ancient science from our vedas time. in ayurveda, there are therapies describe which help to cleanse our body system internally and also externally to maintain a balanced state of mind, body, and soul. ayurveda combines all those properties of nature i.e spices, herbs, aromatherapy, massage(panchkarma), and diet. as per ayurveda, our body is a combination of panchmahabuta and three doshas which when imbalance leads to change in the body system. vata = space + air, pitta=fire + water, kapha=water + earth. each person has two doshas, one more dominating than others i.e prakriti of the person .the combination of your psychological and physical characteristics with how your body functions is what creates your prakriti.



Vishhwaswami ayurveda is the dream of dr.meghha’s to explore globally. vishhwaswami ayurveda is estd in 2016 in thane purely practicing in ayurveda and authentic panchkarmacenter. about dr.meghha patil (nijai) passed muhs nashik university in 2010 and completed m.d (ayu) from d.y.patil deemed university in 2015 in additional completed various course d.y.a (tilak university), ayurveda cosmetology, garbhasanskarcounselor .she had learned pure ayurveda by gurushishyaparampara by renowed vaidya. gouri borkar and cosmetology from vaidya.kirti deo. dr.meghha has been practicing pure ayurveda since 2011 in all diseases, but her area of expertise is skincare and haircare, ayurveda cosmetic therapy and handmade ayurvedic product making. her usp is diagnosis as per ayurveda and by customizing the products and therapy for fruitful results she believes that skincare is not one for all formula, it should be customized for best results. there are so many formulae for skin and hair care in ayurveda text, which when implied properly have positive results. dr.meghha diagnosis by nadiparikshan,prakriti analysis and ayurvedic skin and hair analysis & treatment by pure ayurvedic panchkarma and therapy. dr.meghha has participated in social work by vishhwavati ayurveda research center and ngo my home india. she is been conducting basic ayurveda lecture all over the globe as her vision is to explore ayurveda and has been consulting nationally and internationally.



Ayurveda diagnosis is based on nadiparikshan (pulse diagnosis) and body prakriti and detailed history taking on lifestyle, diet, medical history, and present symptoms. once the examination and assessment are done, we work on the treatment program for you, which include medicines(internally), and panchkarma therapy, for cosmetic we plan an ayurvedic facial therapies session. panchkarma panchkarma which means detoxification of body the purpose of ayurveda is to rid of undigested food called “ama” which is stick to our digestive and body system. panchkarma means treatment to remove toxins from the body i.e detoxification process is performed on a healthy and unhealthy body.it reinforces the immune system and leave the body, healthier, stronger, and free from acute and chronic problems. it cleans & rejuvenates our body mentally and physically.